Crocheted Picture Frame

Crocheted Picture Frame

Use yarn to frame a beloved card, book cover or postcard to create a piece of wall art. 



1. Start by measuring 1-2cm spaces between holes.  Mark the spaces.


 2. Hole punch marked areas.



Now it's time to crochet! 

    Round 1:  Depending on hole size, use C/2 hook for smaller holes and size E hook for larger. 

    Pull yarn through hole, using crochet hook, yo, pull through loop.  Insert hook back through same hole and sc. 

    For holes spaced 1cm between, ch 1; for holes spaced 2cm between, ch 2, sc in next hole.  Repeat ch (ch2) + sc until first corner. 

    If you have positioned the hole in the corner of your picture (see Winnie-the-Pooh book cover), sc 3 sts in one hole.  If holes are positioned on either side of the corner (see riding bicycle card), sc 2 sts in each hole and ch 1 in between. 

    After corners, repeat ch (ch2) + sc pattern.

    Sl st into first sc made at the beginning of the round.

    Round 2:  Sc in each stitch around (in ch sp, sc 1 or 2 according to how many ch done in round 1).  

    In corner stitches:

    3 sc in corner  = 2 sc in each st

    4 sc + ch sp in corner =  2 sc in ch sp

    Sl st into first sc made at the beginning of the round.

    Round 3:  ch 6, skip 1 (2) st(s), depending on how many ch sts done between sc,  sc in next stitch.  

    For the rest of the round, ch 5, skip 1 (2) st(s), sc in next stitch.

    Sl st into first sc made at the beginning of the round.

    Fasten off (cut the string a couple inches away, take the end of the string and pull it through the loop) weave in the ends (take a large needle and weave the string through the crochet stitches in second row on the backside).



    Example below of techniques and materials used for the 'Bunny Gentlebeast' frame, see full tutorial on our home page:


    The Studio >  Gentlebeasts Portraits

    Hang with ribbon (I added eyelets below) or simply stick your work of art to the wall using poster strips!



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